Higher Education

Our graduates' first higher education qualification

In Tanzania, there are two key stages to secondary schooling, the first four years of secondary school are called Ordinary Level (O Level) studies; from Form 1 to Form 4 and the final two years of secondary school are called Advanced Level (A Level); Form 5 and 6.
The BSJ program was first introduced in 2015 to help our Form 6 graduates (A Level) start the next stage of their lives while continuing to develop their leadership potential and community spirit.
It supports graduates to continue on their transformative path, so they can attain their first higher education qualification. A BSJ scholarship covers tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, study materials and costs for examinations.
BSJ is an optional, yet popular, scholarship program for our secondary school graduates and is made up of two parts: a community service placement and a tertiary program or higher education.
Community Service Year (CSY)
As part of the Beyond St Jude’s program for Form 6 graduates, students take part in a year of community service placement. This involves volunteering at under-resourced government schools in Arusha and surrounding regions and at various non-teaching placements within St Jude’s.
During the program, volunteers personify the school’s vision by voluntarily sharing their incredible gifts in academics, sports, creativity, and leadership with less fortunate students in government schools. With a shortage of over 80,000 teachers across government schools in Tanzania, this program, which supports the government education system, provides an invaluable, unequalled community service in our region.
Our Community Service Program is incredibly popular. On average, 95% of Form 6 graduates apply for the program each year.
Work Readiness Training
To ensure the most effective use of their gifts and talents, our volunteers undertake a Work Readiness Training organised by the Beyond St Jude’s (BSJ) team.
During this time, volunteers learn about lesson planning, time management, budgeting, public speaking, patience and resilience, receive handy tips from some St Jude’s alumni.
Some of our volunteers teach classes of up to 130 students. 
Thus a thorough preparatory program is necessary to empower our volunteers to make the most of their community service placement.
The BSJ team provides year-round support to CSS participants and visits them at their CSS placement to ensure their working conditions are satisfactory.

Tertiary Program

Upon successful completion of their CSY, volunteers are eligible to apply for a BSJ Tertiary scholarship, enabling them to pursue their first higher education qualification specific to their field of interest.
Through the Tertiary Program, Form 6 graduates (A Level) are supported in their first higher education qualification; whether that be a degree, diploma or certificate course.
A Beyond St Jude’s Tertiary scholarship supports our graduates to continue on this transformative path, 11 helping to cover tuition fees, scholars’ accommodation, living expenses, study materials and costs for examinations.
The BSJ team provides year-round support to Tertiary scholars and visits them at their university, to ensure their study and living conditions are satisfactory.
Many Tertiary scholars have followed study paths in fields such as health and allied sciences, business, engineering and humanities. These scholars are another step closer to becoming the next generation of leaders who will deliver a sustainable and self-determining future for the people of Tanzania

Our scholars fields of study

Accounting and Finance
Business and Commerce
Information Technology
Medicine and Health Services
Tourism and Transportation

College Program

Our College Program is for Form 4 (O Level) graduates who have opted to participate in the Alternative Pathways Program (APP), allowing them to pursue a diploma or certificate at college, in place of the traditional St Jude’s A Level pathway through secondary.

We have carefully selected education institutions and courses within Tanzania that will provide quality education for our BSJ College scholars, ensuring that support for their education continues to have maximum impact.
Fields of study available to BSJ College scholars include agriculture, engineering, IT, nursing, allied health, and hospitality. These are areas of need within the Tanzanian labour market with high rates of employability within these areas.

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